
Bakersfield, California 93302


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The California Youth Ag Expo Is Coming To The International Agri-Center In Tulare, California.

Infinity Bids Team

A new youth livestock show is opening its doors in Tulare, California, August 5 through August 9, providing a new opportunity for California youth exhibitors to showcase their livestock.

The California Youth Ag Expo is a new live, in person stock show, and was formed in 2020 open to youth exhibits of beef cattle, sheep, goats and swine.

“We are incredibly excited to launch the California Youth Ag Expo,” said Curtis Bayne, co-founder of the CYAE. “Not only is this providing a much needed opportunity for our California ag youth to show their livestock this year, but it is a show we hope will only continue to grow for decades to come!”

We aren’t just here for a year, said CYAE co-founder, Jake Parnell.

“Our goal for the California Youth Ag Expo is for it to one day become one of the most competitive livestock shows on the West Coast,” Parnell said.

In order to ensure the viability of this competitive show, we’ve brought the leaders in the livestock show industry, the team at the Oklahoma Youth Expo, out west to manage the show for our exhibitors.

“I hope you’ll join us August 5 through August 9 for what will surely be an incredibly competitive week here on the West Coast,” Bayne said.

A full show schedule and additional information is forthcoming and will be available at and on all of our social media accounts.

For more information on the California Youth Ag Expo visit or contact the Oklahoma Youth Expo team at 405.235.0404.

— Written by JD Rosman

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